“Where gods live”
A personal approach to several open fronts in our lives, remembering where we came from, until the day when we reached the limit of the border between what we have lived and what we still have to live, like a time consumed and never recorded in images, messy in an imaginary photo album. Probably, we realize that all that time we have spent has passed too fast.
OUT. Polaroid with embossed labels in three colours from a image captured on a road trip.
Author’s concept: A cross with the word OUT representing own feelings and on behalf of people that has no voice or vote, evicted, pariahs, impunity: OUT, You are OUT, but out of everything. The image belong to the documentary essay “Where Gods Live”, a own representation of situations and places. Digital print 14 x 16,5cms
This personal project is about the evolution of situations in the time I lived and am living, they could be memories and that is why I destroy any barrier or wall that crosses my path. You learn to say no, and not to waste time with grotesque, inquisitorial, stupid situations, and they bring me closer to that rebellion and disobedience that we all have inside.
I feel committed to the environment, and there are reasons why I feel compelled to rebel against the established system, against the politicians of the men in ties and suits of five tho
Is it really what we want? Being subjected to the yoke of brutal consumerism with technologies that then cause billions of garbage? Is this progress?usand euros or women who handbags D & G is the difference of classes.
We live in a society in which there is a lack of control in human relations, with increasingly social injustice, individualism and a lack of disproportionate environmental civism. They have brainwashed several generations forcing us to think that obsolescence is good in our lives and that the flock of sheep should never abandon their path.
A group of teenagers talk in front of the ocean, open sea, where the sun hides each afternoon. The image reminds me of my adolescence and the hormonal explosion that makes us dream and grow, unfortunately and unevenly in an unjust and aggressive world. Somewhere near to the paradise. From “Where Gods live” photoessay. 2018
Una leyenda local cuenta que el humo del volcán Monte Aso, -el más activo de Japón-, que es la señal de un dios que arde para redimir los pecados de la humanidad. Volcán Teide. Tenerife.
Starlings perched on power lines. Latvia
—We drown in a glass of water
Probably yes, it seems as if we have gone through life leaving wounded enemies in the gutter of our lives.Demons that live with gods that are raised together since we are born and feed the egos while we are doing things and live. It is an internal struggle with which one day you get up without knowing what is happening and you wonder about your existence. Depression, anxiety, more open fronts, demons and gods dancing in your head, we do not know where to go.
That internal conclusion that forces you, whether you like it or not, to understand those gods and demons and learn to live with them or you are a loser.
—You're wrong, I do not consider myself a loser.
Evolution is always an inevitable loss of innocence and it is necessary to escape or live in society as eyewitnesses and notaries of what happened.

Where gods live is the seed of a team photo essay "Everyone has a story" during a European Union grant workshop started in 2011 in Chania, Crete.