Namib desert is the oldest desert on the planet.
The massive proliferation of tourism in places like Namibia, and despite the prohibitions and sanctions imposed by the government, are not enough to protect the ecosystem of this oldest desert in the world.
Sossusvlei is a salt flat in the central Namib desert, which is within the Namib-Naukluft National Park. Fed by the Tsauchab River, it is known for the high red sand dunes that surround it, forming a major sand sea
The Namib is considered the oldest desert in the world and there is evidence that it already existed during the Tertiary Era. It is basically known for the impressive Sossusvlei dunes, which are the highest in the world. Many of them easily exceed 100 m in altitude and the highest is over 300 m. It is one of the driest deserts in the world, mainly due to a very cold current from Antarctica, the Benguela current, which bathes the entire coast of Namibia and does not allow the necessary evaporation to form rain.
The Namib is considered the oldest desert in the world and there is evidence that it already existed during the Tertiary Era. It is basically known for the impressive Sossusvlei dunes, which are the highest in the world. Many of them easily exceed 100 m in altitude and the highest is over 300 m. It is one of the driest deserts in the world, mainly due to a very cold current from Antarctica, the Benguela current, which bathes the entire coast of Namibia and does not allow the necessary evaporation to form rain.
Tailing pond with toxic chemicals from Rosa Poiemi cooper mine in Romania.
Pink flamingos flying over Walbis Bay´s dunes.
A river in Corcoesto, Galiza, in the area where a ming company wanted to open a pit mine using toxic chemicals to clean the ore. The water of the river will used in the production chain. To get gold for a ring wedding will need one million of ore and millions of liters from the river, creating a tailing pond with toxic chemicals that contaminate the soil.
Cloud emissions from Power plant in Germany Rhenania.
A scientist on the Finnish icebreaker measures the thickness of the ice in the Gulf of Finland. Climate change and global warming increase temperatures and endanger the ecosystem in which thousands of species live.
The fires are produced in a high percentage from the humans, being one of the most dangerous sources of global warming on earth. The main one is carbon dioxide, but methane, ammonia and a wide variety of volatile organic compounds are also emitted, including nitrogen dioxide.
A family walks in a gold and diamond mine in San Salvador de Paúl, Venezuela, searching for remains of earth removed by mining companies in the hope of finding minerals in the toxic tailings ponds.
The government, which owns the mine, demands one condition: any gold or diamonds they find must be sold to the mine's own speculative brokers who pay a much lower price than the international market.
Last days for Jungle of Calais, in the next days will be demolished Eritrean church & tents of 1K transmigrants, Calais, France, March 4, 2016. Credit Photo © Delmi Alvarez.
Manuel Precedo and other fellos galician miners inside a gallery in the coal mine of Le Barister . Belgique, 1989.
Aerial view of a coastal area where clams and cockles grow. The control of these places is a priority for sustainability and the employment of shellfish collectors.
Cleaning and preparation of bluefin tuna (Galicia). One of the species most damaged by these changes will undoubtedly be bluefin tuna, whose extreme overfishing of large spawners in recent years also makes it difficult for it to recover properly in the face of environmental variations.
Gold mine in Rosia Montana, Rumania. Mining, like other extractive industries such as oil, gold, silver, causes severe and irreversible impacts on societies and the environment. One of these impacts is the increase in global warming, with the consequent climatic disasters. Although not always obvious, the relationship between mining and climate change is direct.
Two Vietnamese women work in a field in Cyprus. Immigration from countries at war, desertification, famine and radical or extremist political systems have forced millions of people from Asia and Africa to flee preferably to Europe. In the context of climate change, migration is more often seen as a failure of adaptation. However, migration can be an important adaptation response for those faced with environmental changes or slow-onset disasters.
Environmental protection is one of the concerns of governments and environmental activists. Since long before the Industrial Revolution, humans have acted significantly on the planet without taking into account the fragility of its ecosystems. In the 21st century, measures are being taken to reduce the greenhouse effect and stop the global warming that is destroying the Arctic.
Activists protest in Vigo against industrialization policies that pollute by burning fossil fuels and increase global warming.
Activists protest in Vigo against industrialization policies that pollute by burning fossil fuels and increase global warming.
German police arrest an activist who opposes the destruction of Hambi, an ancient forest threatened by the mining company RWE to expand a coal mine.
An artist nailed scrap computer remains and other rusty materials to the branches of a tree in Estoril, (Portugal) without taking into account the damage and environmental impact exerted on the environment. It is art or ignorance with the impassivity of the authorities.
An artist nailed scrap computer remains and other rusty materials to the branches of a tree in Estoril, (Portugal) without taking into account the damage and environmental impact exerted on the environment. It is art or ignorance with the impassivity of the authorities.
It was under French rule, at the time of the Revolution, at the end of the 18th century, when its industry began to prosper to such an extent that it became known as the "Belgian Manchester"; stores and professional workshops were opened, craftsmen from Central Europe came to the town and it became a municipality with many job opportunities. The opening of the Brussels-Charleroi Canal also contributed to its prosperity, until the First World War began in 1914. The two great wars and the interim of the Great Depression were catastrophic for Molenbeek. Finally, the oil crisis of 1973 destroyed the little industry that remained there, turning the municipality into a mere suburb of the big capital.
It was under French rule, at the time of the Revolution, at the end of the 18th century, when its industry began to prosper to such an extent that it became known as the "Belgian Manchester"; stores and professional workshops were opened, craftsmen from Central Europe came to the town and it became a municipality with many job opportunities. The opening of the Brussels-Charleroi Canal also contributed to its prosperity, until the First World War began in 1914. The two great wars and the interim of the Great Depression were catastrophic for Molenbeek. Finally, the oil crisis of 1973 destroyed the little industry that remained there, turning the municipality into a mere suburb of the big capital.
The 18th century Charleroi Canal enabled coal to be imported on a massive scale and the mechanisation of industry led to the appearance of foundries, engineering and metalworking companies along with the development of the railway network. During the Industrial Revolution, coal saw a tremendous rise in economic importance. The Sambre and Marne valleys are quite rich in coal, and during the reign of King William I of the Netherlands (1813–1840), concrete plans to extend the canal were at last made.
View of the remains of a coal factory and steel, closed after WWII.
Illegal garbage dumps are punishable by fines and jail, but the problem is not in paying the fine, but in the lack of awareness of human beings with the environment.
The Major beach dune complex, in the parish of Noalla, Sanxenxo, is protected by Rede Natura 2000, with dunes up to 10 meters high. Summer tourists (holidaymakers) do not respect the rules for the protection of protected places in nature.
Mariscadora in A Xunqueira, Moaña. 2018.
Mariscadora in A Xunqueira, Moaña. 2018.
Namib desert is the oldest desert on the planet.
The massive proliferation of tourism in places like Namibia, and despite the prohibitions and sanctions imposed by the government, are not enough to protect the ecosystem of this oldest desert in the world.
Sossusvlei is a salt flat in the central Namib desert, which is within the Namib-Naukluft National Park. Fed by the Tsauchab River, it is known for the high red sand dunes that surround it, forming a major sand sea
The Namib is considered the oldest desert in the world and there is evidence that it already existed during the Tertiary Era. It is basically known for the impressive Sossusvlei dunes, which are the highest in the world. Many of them easily exceed 100 m in altitude and the highest is over 300 m. It is one of the driest deserts in the world, mainly due to a very cold current from Antarctica, the Benguela current, which bathes the entire coast of Namibia and does not allow the necessary evaporation to form rain.
The Namib is considered the oldest desert in the world and there is evidence that it already existed during the Tertiary Era. It is basically known for the impressive Sossusvlei dunes, which are the highest in the world. Many of them easily exceed 100 m in altitude and the highest is over 300 m. It is one of the driest deserts in the world, mainly due to a very cold current from Antarctica, the Benguela current, which bathes the entire coast of Namibia and does not allow the necessary evaporation to form rain.
Tailing pond with toxic chemicals from Rosa Poiemi cooper mine in Romania.
Pink flamingos flying over Walbis Bay´s dunes.
A river in Corcoesto, Galiza, in the area where a ming company wanted to open a pit mine using toxic chemicals to clean the ore. The water of the river will used in the production chain. To get gold for a ring wedding will need one million of ore and millions of liters from the river, creating a tailing pond with toxic chemicals that contaminate the soil.
Cloud emissions from Power plant in Germany Rhenania.
A scientist on the Finnish icebreaker measures the thickness of the ice in the Gulf of Finland. Climate change and global warming increase temperatures and endanger the ecosystem in which thousands of species live.
The fires are produced in a high percentage from the humans, being one of the most dangerous sources of global warming on earth. The main one is carbon dioxide, but methane, ammonia and a wide variety of volatile organic compounds are also emitted, including nitrogen dioxide.
A family walks in a gold and diamond mine in San Salvador de Paúl, Venezuela, searching for remains of earth removed by mining companies in the hope of finding minerals in the toxic tailings ponds.
The government, which owns the mine, demands one condition: any gold or diamonds they find must be sold to the mine's own speculative brokers who pay a much lower price than the international market.
Last days for Jungle of Calais, in the next days will be demolished Eritrean church & tents of 1K transmigrants, Calais, France, March 4, 2016. Credit Photo © Delmi Alvarez.
Manuel Precedo and other fellos galician miners inside a gallery in the coal mine of Le Barister . Belgique, 1989.
Aerial view of a coastal area where clams and cockles grow. The control of these places is a priority for sustainability and the employment of shellfish collectors.
Cleaning and preparation of bluefin tuna (Galicia). One of the species most damaged by these changes will undoubtedly be bluefin tuna, whose extreme overfishing of large spawners in recent years also makes it difficult for it to recover properly in the face of environmental variations.
Gold mine in Rosia Montana, Rumania. Mining, like other extractive industries such as oil, gold, silver, causes severe and irreversible impacts on societies and the environment. One of these impacts is the increase in global warming, with the consequent climatic disasters. Although not always obvious, the relationship between mining and climate change is direct.
Two Vietnamese women work in a field in Cyprus. Immigration from countries at war, desertification, famine and radical or extremist political systems have forced millions of people from Asia and Africa to flee preferably to Europe. In the context of climate change, migration is more often seen as a failure of adaptation. However, migration can be an important adaptation response for those faced with environmental changes or slow-onset disasters.
Environmental protection is one of the concerns of governments and environmental activists. Since long before the Industrial Revolution, humans have acted significantly on the planet without taking into account the fragility of its ecosystems. In the 21st century, measures are being taken to reduce the greenhouse effect and stop the global warming that is destroying the Arctic.
Activists protest in Vigo against industrialization policies that pollute by burning fossil fuels and increase global warming.
Activists protest in Vigo against industrialization policies that pollute by burning fossil fuels and increase global warming.
German police arrest an activist who opposes the destruction of Hambi, an ancient forest threatened by the mining company RWE to expand a coal mine.
An artist nailed scrap computer remains and other rusty materials to the branches of a tree in Estoril, (Portugal) without taking into account the damage and environmental impact exerted on the environment. It is art or ignorance with the impassivity of the authorities.
An artist nailed scrap computer remains and other rusty materials to the branches of a tree in Estoril, (Portugal) without taking into account the damage and environmental impact exerted on the environment. It is art or ignorance with the impassivity of the authorities.
It was under French rule, at the time of the Revolution, at the end of the 18th century, when its industry began to prosper to such an extent that it became known as the "Belgian Manchester"; stores and professional workshops were opened, craftsmen from Central Europe came to the town and it became a municipality with many job opportunities. The opening of the Brussels-Charleroi Canal also contributed to its prosperity, until the First World War began in 1914. The two great wars and the interim of the Great Depression were catastrophic for Molenbeek. Finally, the oil crisis of 1973 destroyed the little industry that remained there, turning the municipality into a mere suburb of the big capital.
It was under French rule, at the time of the Revolution, at the end of the 18th century, when its industry began to prosper to such an extent that it became known as the "Belgian Manchester"; stores and professional workshops were opened, craftsmen from Central Europe came to the town and it became a municipality with many job opportunities. The opening of the Brussels-Charleroi Canal also contributed to its prosperity, until the First World War began in 1914. The two great wars and the interim of the Great Depression were catastrophic for Molenbeek. Finally, the oil crisis of 1973 destroyed the little industry that remained there, turning the municipality into a mere suburb of the big capital.
The 18th century Charleroi Canal enabled coal to be imported on a massive scale and the mechanisation of industry led to the appearance of foundries, engineering and metalworking companies along with the development of the railway network. During the Industrial Revolution, coal saw a tremendous rise in economic importance. The Sambre and Marne valleys are quite rich in coal, and during the reign of King William I of the Netherlands (1813–1840), concrete plans to extend the canal were at last made.
View of the remains of a coal factory and steel, closed after WWII.
Illegal garbage dumps are punishable by fines and jail, but the problem is not in paying the fine, but in the lack of awareness of human beings with the environment.
The Major beach dune complex, in the parish of Noalla, Sanxenxo, is protected by Rede Natura 2000, with dunes up to 10 meters high. Summer tourists (holidaymakers) do not respect the rules for the protection of protected places in nature.
Mariscadora in A Xunqueira, Moaña. 2018.
Mariscadora in A Xunqueira, Moaña. 2018.